A planned gift guarantees that The Borneo Project will be able to continue investing in communities.
By having an estate plan, you can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your personal, financial, and philanthropic goals. You don’t need to have significant assets or an estate plan in order to include The Borneo Project in your will.
We have partnered with FreeWill, an online tool that makes it super easy to complete your will, and even easier to pledge a portion to The Borneo Project as part of your planned giving. If this has been on your to-do list, now is a great time to safeguard the forests of Sarawak well into the future.
Other Legacy Giving Options
This is not an exhaustive list of giving options. Please consult your attorney or financial advisor to discuss the tax and financial considerations of charitable giving in your estate plan and the best way to employ these or other options for your goals.
Please keep in mind that The Borneo Project is fiscally sponsored by Earth Island Institute, and must be named as such in any financial instructions.
Beneficiary of a Bank Account
You can assign “The Borneo Project, a project of Earth Island Institute”, to be a Payment on Death beneficiary of your bank account. This is one of the easiest ways to plan for a legacy gift.
A revocable gift made through a will. This is the most common type of planned gift, and it is very easy to set up. You can bequeath a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, a specific asset, or choose from many other options.
If you choose to set up a bequest, we suggest you list The Borneo Project as follows:
“The Borneo Project, a project of Earth Island Institute, a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of California, and with a current business address of 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley, CA 94704. Federal Tax ID #94-2889684.”
Don’t have a will yet? Been meaning to make one? You can use the Freewill tool to set it up, and designate a bequest to The Borneo Project while you’re at it. Get started here.
Beneficiary on Retirement or Life Insurance Plans
Both are easy to set up, both are revocable, and you may even be able to name one or more beneficiaries through your provider’s website in a few minutes.
Please let us know if you’ve included a gift for The Borneo Project in your will. Providing us with documentation is the best way to ensure that your wishes and intentions are honored.
We are available to work with you and your financial advisors to plan the kind of giving that works best for you. Please feel free to contact us by sending an email to info@borneoproject.org, or by contacting Earth Island Institute: donorinquiry@earthisland.org, (510) 859-9145.