Our Opinion: Carbon Offsets and Carbon Credits

misty rainforest aerial view

Many people ask us about carbon offsets and carbon credits. In theory, they seem like a promising solution for addressing climate change while protecting forests. But in practice, their implementation is often inconsistent and complicated. Where we work in Sarawak, carbon offset projects are just starting to emerge, and we’re...

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Why Sarawak should be high risk under the new EU deforestation rules

We’ve been sounding the alarm lately about Malaysia’s resistance to the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), a law that aims to prevent products associated with deforestation from entering the EU. Malaysia has lobbied against forest protection rules, excluded civil society from policy discussions, and played the victim card in high-level...

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Fact check: are cascading dams better for Sarawak?

With talk of new dams in Sarawak going gangbusters in the media, we have fact-checked some of the claims that are being thrown around. When it comes to cascading dams, like the ones Premier Abang Jo wants to build on the Tutoh/Apoh rivers, they’re pitched as a less harmful alternative...

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How does dirty timber from Sarawak get to the USA?

Many consumers want to make responsible choices when it comes to their purchases, but sometimes it’s hard to know what the safer, more ethical choice is. Certification schemes are a tool that many people (understandably) use to help them make those choices. Unfortunately, the credibility of these schemes is not...

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Why impact assessments matter: your questions answered

Why are social and environmental impact assessments important? Social Impact Assessments (SIAs) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are a crucial step in determining whether and how to initiate a wide variety of projects that have impacts on ecosystems and people. Evaluating the impact that a road, logging concession, or dam...

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6 things you need to know about our latest report

Our new report is titled “Lost in Certification: How forest certification greenwashes Samling’s dirty timber and fools the international market”. It is a comprehensive analysis of the most recent land conflicts in the Baram region of Sarawak. It looks at the most shocking community claims against logging company Samling and...

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Deforestation and palm oil: your questions answered

In 2018, the Minister of Primary Industries of Malaysia Teresa Kok made a pledge that no forest would be cleared for new palm oil production in the country. In 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Fadillah reiterated the same commitment in response to a new EU law that aims to ban the...

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Want to visit beautiful Borneo? Your questions answered

Interested in a remarkable experience in Sarawak far from the regular tourist track? Thinking about volunteering? Here are our recommendations  Can I come volunteer with The Borneo Project? Many people around the world reach out to us asking if they can volunteer and spend some time in the field. Unfortunately...

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