Latest UNESCO World Heritage row threatens Penan autonomy

Mulu community leader Ukau Lupung targeted by Sarawak government over Penan resistance against controversial township plans at UNESCO World Heritage site.  (MULU/SARAWAK/MALAYSIA) The Penan community of Bateu Bungan located at the heart of Sarawak’s iconic Gunung Mulu National Park denounce efforts by the Sarawak government to oust their long-term leader,...

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GRASP Council Sets Bold Agenda to Save Great Apes

November 2012: Faced with declining wild ape populations and dwindling forests, the Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) set law enforcement, habitat protection and political advocacy among its top priorities and emerged with renewed energy and urgency following the 2nd GRASP Council that was held 6-8 November at UNESCO headquarters in Paris....

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