Sarawak Report Exclusive: The Plot To Dump Taib

Sarawak Report has received an explosive dossier from sources close to Taib, detailing a powerful conspiracy to depose the Chief Minister at the next PBB Party Convention, due in May. The high-level defectors will maintain a pretence of unity during the coming federal election, expected in March, but have collected...

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Swiss Lawmakers Push for Freeze of Taib Family Assets

(GENEVA/ BERN, SWITZERLAND) Twenty MPs file motion to freeze Malaysian potentate’s assets held by Swiss banks; Attorney General urged to declare the family of Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud a criminal organization. Twenty Swiss MPs have filed a motion in parliament that calls for an immediate freeze of assets held by Swiss...

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Justice Versus The Law In Sarawak

The High Court recently ruled against a joint petition by Penan and Kelabit people in Limbang to save their forest lands from the greed of Chief Minister Taib’s timber and plantation allies, Samling Global and the Hii family. The judge based his ruling on the failure of the natives of...

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German Engineers Plan to Flood the Rainforest of Borneo

The German company Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG from Stuttgart has come under international pressure due to their close cooperation with power supplier Sarawak Energy in a controversial dam project in the rainforest of Borneo. The Baram Dam would flood a rainforest area of at least 400km2 and displace 20,000...

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Illegal logging complicating Bengoh dam saga

Villagers affected by the Bengoh dam who had initially agreed to be resettled with the condition that they were given houses, land, and basic infrastructure, are having second thoughts. In addition to being kept in the dark about the resettlement schedule, a logging company has moved onto the land the...

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