Please join Executive Director Jettie Word of The Borneo Project to hear about one of the world’s greatest under-told stories: the struggle to preserve the rainforests of Borneo. For 25 years The Borneo Project has worked directly with indigenous and frontline communities in Malaysian Borneo to promote indigenous childhood education, cultural preservation, and rainforest conservation. The Project’s most recent focus is supporting indigenous communities in their fight to stop a series of 12 mega-dams. If they are built, these dams will force tens of thousands of communities off of their land, drive untold species to extinction, pollute the rivers – the lifelines of the jungle – and could produce more greenhouse gas emissions per megawatt of energy than a coal-fired power plant.
Jettie will present a brief introduction to Borneo and The Borneo Project, and will introduce two short documentaries (10 minutes each) from the Damming Our Future film series. Light refreshments will follow.
Where: Hosted by Friends of the Earth, 1100 15th St NW, Washington DC 20005
When:Thursday September 10th, 6pm-8pm
What: Refreshments, Short Film Screening, Meet and Greet the Executive Director of The Borneo Project
RSVP to info@borneoproject.org